Michael 84

Spring Fashion Style – Purple And Grey

Lifestyle, OOTD, Street Style
Friday, 25th March, 2016


Hey guys! πŸ™‚

Spring is here (apparently) so I thought about styling some fashion with that in mind. With warmer months brighter and more colourful options become valid, not that you need a reason to add a splash of colour to your outfit, but it’s a good reason πŸ˜‰

For my Spring Outfit I have gone for this smart-casual look, which consists of a light grey jacket from Jaeger, a light purple shirt with white pin striping from Chester Barrie, mid-dark jeans from Armani andΒ my purple Converse to compliment the outfit.

I went for my Tom Carter watch too…I really like this watch, it’s a very big men’s style of watch, with brown leather strap which makes it fairly distinctive. Remember if you like this to check out more of my men’s fashion tips for this season.

Last beard day of 2016!

It also marks the day of my last beard day! I decided that I would be clean shaven for the rest of the year until November aka Movember.

Last year I did a similar thing, but going clean shaven from the Summer, this time round I have decided to do it a bit earlier, yesterday in fact, going forward from Easter I will be clean shaven πŸ™‚

Have a great Easter everyone πŸ™‚





Michael Adams

About Michael

Michael Adams is the founder and editor of Michael 84, blogger from Newcastle, UK. Sharing men's fashion tips, style advice and lifestyle information for all guys.

  1. Amy Said,

    Hi Michael, just discovered your blog and am loving it. I know it’s aimed at men, but really enjoying reading it!
    You seem really spammed up on Newcastle so am hoping you can give me abit of outfit advice..i have never been on a night out in Newcastle before and I have a date in a few weeks time; a Friday night down the quayside..what’s the usual sort of dress code for women? Any help would be greatly appreciated ?? thanks

    posted on Saturday 9th April, 2016 at 21:11
  2. Michael Said,

    Hi Amy, Thanks for your comments πŸ™‚ I guess it would depend on your own personal style and what you like to wear. It depends where you’re going too, the Quayside has a couple of more trendy places such as Glass House, Livello, and Aveika where girls tend to dress up more; But there’s a few more relaxed but still nice places like the Pitcher and Piano and Tiger Hornsby, the there’s a couple of bars/pubs which are more casual too such as Crown Posada, Redhouse, Hop & Cleaver and the Quilted Camel amongst others. You’d probably not ever be overdressed, unless you’re just hitting the more traditional style pubs.

    Have a great time! πŸ™‚


    posted on Sunday 10th April, 2016 at 16:21