It’s another year which means some brand new fragrances here on Michael 84! 🙂 This week I am going to be talking about Michael Kors For Men, which I have recently got my hands on.
First Weekend Out In 2016 Calls For Cardigans & Leather Jackets!
On Saturday night it was my first weekend night out in 2016, I have been hibernating and I think I should go back to hibernating for a few more weeks! The proper Winter weather is now setting in, we seemed to have had endless rain for weeks, and now it’s becoming icy cold with sub zero temperatures. It’s definitely a time to layer up, which I actually love from a fashion point of view, if it could only warm up just a little and never rain 😉
On Saturday night I wore this blue cardigan which I got a while back from Mango which I love. The crisp white shirt is from Jaeger, after I got one I liked it so much I had to get another. The leather jacket is a piece I really like, and it’s actually a really light jacket which is better in the Spring or Autumn but is fine to wear as long as you layer up. It’s from Selected Homme and I added this to my collection around this time last year.
I’d actually love to wear my suede jackets, I have a couple and I really love them, but they are no good when you know it’s going to rain. Hopefully I will get my wear out of them this year, and we’ll have some cool but dry days and nights. You can check out the rest of my looks on the street style blog here.
On Saturday night we went to places like The Long Bar, The Union Rooms, The Milecastle (that’s a lot of “the’s” haha 😉 ) Revolution and Mimo, and it was really good as it always is in Newcastle. It started off quiet in the town, which you’d expect straight after New Year and Christmas, but then picked up a bit later on. In Revolution the tunes were amazing! The DJ was really good, playing a proper mix of everything from Tinie Tempah to The Jackson 5, the track selection was so good, and that’s what a DJ is about, playing music! He had his name on his laptop, so If you wanna check him out (or maybe you’ve heard him in Newcastle before) it was DJ LKP
The Square Copenhagen Hotel Review
As you know I visited the beautiful city of Copenhagen just before Christmas for a short break, and loved the city. I stayed in The Square hotel, which is a 4 star hotel located very central, in Rådhuspladsen.
I was looking around for a couple of week’s to find a hotel, and I found this one pretty fast. I did search for other hotels, but after contemplating a few things which I will go into below, I settled for The Square, and I am fairly happy I did 🙂
My Fashion Purchases From The Sales – Happy Socks & Thomas Pink
Is it just me, or are “the sales” really poor these days?
I can’t tell if it’s because I am not very motivated these days for the sales, since there’s not a lot more I need to buy; I have so many clothes and stuff like that, there’s really not much more I would like to get, other than possibly the odd one-off items. Anyway, I usually go out in Newcastle to places like Fenwick to check out the sales and soak up the atmosphere of shopping in the sales; It can be a bit hectic and busy, but that’s what it’s all about!
In the last few sales I’ve went to, I have been disappointed. Last year’s Boxing Day/Christmas/New Years sales were not good, and the previous summers have been as equally as bad. It seems they roll out stuff you’d not normally want which they’re hoping you’ll buy, or their best discounts are not in regular sizes; The last time I checked some T-shirts out at Gant, Armani and another brand I can’t recall, and I counted around 60 T-shirts, with ZERO in sizes small or medium, but they had some in other sizes, including the quite irregular 3XL.
With that said, I did not bother going to the sales on the high street this year, and bought a couple of things online from a few different places online.
In my seeming mission to buy everything from Happy Socks (it’s actually not, LOL) I got yet more socks from them. I needed some new socks and wanted to refresh my sock drawer, so I’ve thrown out almost all my old socks and they’re now replaced with all the Happy Socks I have either bought or got for Christmas. I think I have a total of 17 pairs now 🙂 Along with the socks, I got the boxers too. I got one of the spots pair of socks for £3 which was a steal, another for £5 and then the pack of 4 which was £15, down from £25, and the boxers were around £12.
Along with the socks and underwear I got myself a new shirt, from Thomas Pink. I saw this navy shirt with tonal stripes and really loved it. It was £49 down from £89, and I think that this shirt is worth that. The shirt feels nice, quality is good and I really like the fit.
Have you found any great bargains out there in this year’s sales?
Grooming & Fragrances From Christmas 2015
Here’s a brief look at some of the grooming and fragrances I got for Christmas just gone 🙂
In terms of fragrances I got Dior Sauvage, Molton Brown Tobacco Absolute and Michaek Kors For Men set with the body wash. I really like Rituals, and I bought (and reviewed here) the Samurai Cool Deo, and got a little box set with a few goodies inside, as well as a bigger shower foam. The Reiss smelly set contains a body wash and body spray. The No.7 is a hair and body wash along with a face scrub.
As always, I will review each scent in my men’s scent reviews, which will be on the blog in a few weeks 🙂
Did you get any scents over Christmas?
Michael 84 – Lifestyle Blog Yearly Review
2015 has been a cool year for my lifestyle blog at Michael 84. There’s been a few cool things which has happened in 2015 which I have covered on the blog.
From natural phenomenon to a plain old great night out, I have covered quite a bit over the past 12 months on the blog. Here’s a look back at just a couple of things in Lifestyle which I’ve loved.
Take Me Out 2016 Girls – Series 8
Take Me Out is back, so in the words of Paddy McGuiness: Bring on the girls!
Series 8 will start in January 2016 to kick start the new year with the flirty thirty being beamed into your living room for you usual Saturday night viewing. Saturday nights aren’t the same without Paddy, the girls and the love lift, and ITV2’s Take Me Out: The Gossip also returns with Mark Wright and Laura Jackson. Michael 84 wouldn’t be a men’s blog if it didn’t cover this, so you’ll find more right here.
Enough of that, you want to meet the girls right? Here you go!
Check out the Take Me Out 2019 Girls Photos for Series 11.
You can find the 2018 girls on the Take Me Out Series 10 page here
Check out Take Me Out Series 9 photos for 2017 here!
Copenhagen – Advice And Tips For Travellers
Copenhagen was amazing, it really is such a great city with so much to offer, even more than I imagined before I went. If you’re looking to see what I got up to you can check out my Copenhagen page here, as well as checking out my posts on Copenhagen Day 1, Copenhagen Night, Nyhavn Day & Night, and Tivoli.
I stayed at The Square Copenhagen hotel which was really nice.
Here’s what I found out about Denmark’s capital, my tips and advice and what I’ve learned from when I got there.
Copenhagen – A Tivoli Christmas
I went to Tivoli when I was in Copenhagen….Actually I went twice!
On my first night I went, and after an hour or so it started to rain, my camera battery actually died because I was taking photos all day, I do have a spare but did not take it out with me since I’ve never ran a battery out in only one day!
Anyway I went back the next night because it’s such a great place.
At Christmas it truly is a Winter Wonderland, and it’s definitely a good way to spend an evening or two (or more!). There’s so much to do; If you just want to walk around and take it all in you can, there’s plenty to see and lots of places to eat and drink.
Copenhagen – Nyhavn Day And Night
I spent a bit of time in Nyhavn, it’s a really nice part of Copenhagen. If you’ve ever seen Copenhagen in pictures, on TV or online, then you’ll have probably seen the buildings with the colourful fronts which look so cool!
It’s a harbour with plenty of restaurants and bars, and is a must see place. At one end of the canal there’s a bridge where people have put love locks on, not as many as other bridges but it looks nice 😛
Here’s some of my pics 🙂