Michael 84

Film Night: 24 Hour Party People

Sunday, 25th March, 2018

It’s been a little while since I wrote about the films I’ve been watching, mostly because I haven’t been watching too many. It’s usually a Sunday thing, but since Top Gear has came back, I’ve slowed down my film watching. But I did watch a really good film the other night, 24 Hour Party People.

It’s a film I’ve kind of seen before. I caught around 30 minutes of this years and years ago, loved it and wanted to watch it again, but never knew what the film was called. I then found out, and so was finally able to give this film a watch for it’s entirety, and it’s a good one!

I have watched so much stuff around the 80’s and 90’s and popular culture, music, general life and everything in between, and of course living in the 90’s was epic, watching films and TV set around this decade will always mean something to me. 24 Hour Party People is exactly that, a comedy-drama film set in the mid 70’s to the early 90’s about the music scene in Manchester.

It’s all about the bands through these decades, from Joy Division to New Order and the Happy Mondays. It centres around Tony Wilson, a news reporter for Granada Television played by Steve Coogan. He goes from creating a series on TV about the punk rock shows in Manchester to eventually founding a record company, Factory Records, and then the infamous Hacienda nightclub.

The film is a dramatisation based on real events as well as rumours, and catalogues the highs and the lows of the life in the music scene around the time, with a lot of memorable and infamous faces playing roles, including Peter Kay, Ralf Little, John Simm and Rob Brydon all featuring.

The film was a brilliant watch, if you like music or life from this era then you’ll love it, although you’ve probably seen the film before, since it was released in 2002!

Spain 2018 Away Kit & Goalkeeper Kit Unveiled

Thursday, 22nd March, 2018

Adidas has unveiled the away kit for Spain for the 2018 World Cup, and it could be the worst looking kit in it’s history…The goalkeeper shirt at least.

Spain 2018 Away Kit

First of all let’s start with the away kit. Usually Spain’s away shirt has been white, blue or occasionally yellow. This one looks mostly white/silver in colour, but has an all-over pattern on the shirt which is very light blue, which Adidas are calling Halo blue.

The pattern comes from the 80’s, Adidas are utilising retro designs in their shirts for this years World Cup. The Spain 2018 home shirt was unveiled several months ago, and pays homage to the USA 94 shirt.

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Essential Shoes For Men: 12 Types Of Shoes Every Man Should Own & How To Style Them

Monday, 19th March, 2018

The Men's Shoe Advice Guide - Shoes You Need To Own

How many shoes does the average man own?

How many shoes should a man own?

Exactly which shoes, and which style are must have for any man’s wardrobe? If you’re thinking any of these question, you’re in the right place. I am going to go through what I think are the shoes that every man should own, or to put it correctly, the footwear every man should own.

My shoe collection was terrible! I think we can all say we’ve been there at one stage or another, and maybe some are still there, but have no fear, this is the guide to help you. Back when I was younger I used to only footwear for 2 occasions; Smart and going out shoes, and then a pair for everything else.

This consisted of 1 nice, smart pair of shoes, which were usually derby or oxford, and then a pair of trainers for everyday wear. I hated shoes! This probably stemmed from having to wear them for school, walking around all day in uncomfortable footwear doesn’t exactly get you to fall in love with them, not to mention teenage years being forced to do something!

But then as we all get older and develop style, I have found a love for shoes and footwear, not only a love, but an appreciation. It can be anything; From high end pieces to classic pop culture Converse, Made In England shoes with proper workmanship or street style, whatever your preference there’s never been a better time to get into footwear.

With all of that said, what shoes does a man need in his wardrobe? Let’s get into it!

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Film Night: Gold

Sunday, 18th March, 2018

Hey guys!

So I haven’t watched a film for a while, and I decided to watch Gold, which stars Matthew McConaughey. It’s been in my wishlist on Amazon for a while, so I decided to finally give it a watch. I must watch films more often, because for some reason Amazon keep removing films I want to watch, they mustn’t have them for very long which is extremely annoying! Anyway…

It’s a film about gold, more specifically loosely based around a true story which was a scandal about gold mining in Indonesia. Kenny Wells (McConaughey) plays a character who’s family runs a gold prospecting business. His father dies, and 7 years later the business is failing, with Kenny losing the office and almost going broke, working out of his girlfriend’s bar.

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Calvin Klein True Colours Collection For Spring 2018

Wednesday, 7th March, 2018

When it comes to colours in style, I am a fan of the staple and toned down colours; Blues, Greys, black and white. But I do love to inject a splash of colour every now and then, here and there.

The new Calvin Klein True Colours Collection is all about bright, bold colours, and have some really nice pieces this season, whether you love to take your colour popping to the max, or just like to add it with one piece of clothing, there’s something available.

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Film Night: Premature (The Movie)

Sunday, 4th March, 2018

I was having a browse around on Amazon Prime for something to watch and I came across this film called Premature. I had a look at the trailer and it seemed like it could be a good film, a teen high school comedy type kind of film which is something I usually like.

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Proverb Skincare For Men Review – Here’s How The Moisturiser & Face Scrub Stack Up

Thursday, 1st March, 2018

Proverb Skincare For Men Review

I have been trying out some new skincare products from new British skincare brand Proverb. They sent over two from their range, the Skin Definition Facial Scrub, and the Hydration Pro Moisturiser for me to try out.

Proverb takes a unique approach to skincare regimes, using a sports nutrition mentality and applying it to your skin. This can be attributed to the brand’s founders, Luke Sherriff, an ex-rugby pro, and Kirstie Sherriff, with over 20 years of skincare expertise.

It’s not just about the products, one of the key messages from Proverb is about having the perfect healthy and balanced lifestyle is key to good skin, something they’re calling a life-fuelled training program.

I tried out the products they sent over, and this is what I found.

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The Camera Sling Pack From Incase

Monday, 26th February, 2018

Incase Slingpack Bag Contents Michael 84

Hey guys!

Ever since I’ve had a blog I have got more and more into photography. It’s something which I really like, and I am constantly learning different things, and experimenting with different shots and settings.

Over the years I’ve got myself a small collection of lenses, as well as some other bits and pieces which I’ve needed for photography. I’ve never had a dedicated and purpose built bag to put them in, but now I have – The Camera Sling Pack from Incase.

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Ted Baker Fragrances: The Tonics Collection – Copper, Silver & Gold [Review]

Friday, 23rd February, 2018

Ted Baker Tonics Collection Review

Ted Baker have released three men’s fragrances which are inspired by three of the World’s most sought after elements, Copper, Silver and Gold. This is the Tonics Collection, and all three are different, but equally good.

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Adidas Stan Smith For Summer 2018

Monday, 19th February, 2018

Finally got a pair of Adidas Stan Smith Trainers

I finally got a pair of Stan Smith’s!

You may remember last year I was talking about getting a pair of white trainers, and I was torn between getting a pair of Adidas Stan Smith’s, or a pair of triple white Air Max. I went for the white Air Max, but for this year I’ve finally got a pair of Stan Smith trainers!

I love my Air Max, there’s no doubt, and I have a ton, probably too many if there’s such a thing. They’re so comfortable, cool and I can walk around in these all day and my feet are absolutely fine, which can’t be said for something like my Converse All Star trainers.

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