Michael 84

Playstation Classic Review – Is It Worth Getting?

Wednesday, 5th December, 2018

PlayStation Classic Review - Is It Worth It?

It finally came, I got my PlayStation Classic!

If you like gaming then you’ll know that Sony were releasing a mini PlayStation in the run up to Christmas, and as soon as I heard, I had to order one. I loved my original PlayStation as did many others, and so it was obvious that I’d buy this.

It costs £89.99, but how does it play, and is it worth it? Here’s my full review.

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Canada Goose Jacket Test – 8 Years Of Ownership

Monday, 3rd December, 2018

Wearing my Canada Goose Chilliwack Bomber Jacket - The 8 Year Test

How many items of clothing can you say you bought years ago, and not only still own today, but still wear? My Canada Goose jacket which I got is certainly one of them. I got this jacket way back in 2010, when this blog was starting to take it’s shape, and It was one of the most exciting things I wrote about back then.

It’s a brand renowned for it’s quality, and also infamous for being expensive. When I got my Canada Goose coat I was pretty certain that this would last me a long time. Not only in terms of style and fashion, but in terms of build quality, I knew that it was going to be my proper Winter coat for years to come.

How has my Chilliwack Bomber stacked up 8 years later? Pretty well? No, I think it’s a lot better than that.

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Wet Shave vs Dry Shave – Which Is Better? Here’s The Answer

Friday, 30th November, 2018

Wet Shave vs Dry Shave - The Differences And Which Is Better

If you’re having your first shave as an older teenager or you’re thinking about switching up your own grooming regime you may be thinking one thing:

Which is better, a dry shave or a wet shave?

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Hoodie Layering & The Black Friday Weekend

Tuesday, 27th November, 2018

Layering Black Hoodie With Camel Overcoat

Hey guys happy Tuesday!

What did you think of the Black Friday weekend, and did you get anything? I did pick up a couple of things, some for myself, and presents for others too. Also, how cold is it now!? I have dug my black hoodie out again and this time round tried layering it with my camel overcoat – Let me know what you think.

So, the Black Friday Weekend…

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Vera Wang For Men Fragrance Review

Thursday, 22nd November, 2018

Vera Wang For Men Fragrance Review

I’m taking another look back at some of my fragrances, and found this classic, Vera Wang For Men. This one was released in 2004, but I didn’t actually get this until around 2006-07, when it was gaining and gaining in popularity.

As you can see I actually have two bottles, I got a large bottle, then a smaller one as a gift, so I’ve ended up with two. Along with One Million, this is another one of those scents which so many other lads made their signature scent, and if you’ve had a small, you’ll know why.

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How To Style A Denim Jacket In Winter – Layering Tips

Tuesday, 20th November, 2018

Denim Jacket In Winter - Men's Style Tips

Have you ever thought about wearing a denim jacket in the Autumn or Winter?

For me, this is a big no-no. I have always considered the denim jacket a Summer item, or transitioning from Spring to Summer. Jean jackets are lightweight, and great for throwing over a tee in the Summer.

But what if you want to wear one in the Winter? Can you wear a denim jacket in Winter? Are they style rules, and how can you style it?

One word – Layering.

Check out the whole outfit below and see how I’ve styled it.

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About The Weekend – By The River Brew Co

Monday, 19th November, 2018

Drinks at By The River Brew Co

Happy Monday guys!

Did you have a good weekend? Mine was good, filled with drinks, good times and of course the football.

We went over to the new shipping container complex on the Gateshead side of the Quayside, By The River Brew Co. It’s been there a couple of months now, and has a few places to drink, as well as a lot of street food places. It’s a cool spot, similar to something like Box Park in London, and our very own Stack Newcastle.

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Good Burger For Film Night

Sunday, 18th November, 2018

Welcome to Good Burger home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?

Imagine my delight when I was scrolling on Amazon looking for a film to watch when I noticed that they had added Good Burger to Amazon Prime! As soon as I saw it was on, I had to make sure to watch it for film night.

If you’re from the Nickeloden generation which I am, then you’ll probably know all about the film, and have seen it. It stars Kenan and Kel, and it’s just like their show, which was a silly kind of teenage comedy kind of film.

I watched it so many times as a teen, but how would it stack up now, years later, as an adult?

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What To Wear To A 90’s Party

Friday, 16th November, 2018

What To Wear To A 90's Party - Men's Style Guide

Was there a better decade than the 90’s? I don’t think so! It was a time for fun-loving people, the 1990s had so much going for it, the music, pop culture and of course the fashion. Whether you’re planning on throwing a 90’s party or you’re going to one, you might be thinking what outfit to wear.

Luckily the trends of the nineties have made a comeback, and the style is as popular as ever.

There was so much style back in the day, and lots of different outfits which were worn in the decade, it really is up to you what you choose to put on, but there’s a couple of different styles you can go for.

For men, the biggest trends in 90s style were: double denim, bright florescent colours, brands and logos, oversized clothing, tracksuits and sports wear. Of course not all of these were worn at once, it really depended on your own personal preference

Whether you were into rave culture, Brit Pop, Grunge, Rock, Football there was a particular trend which you and your friends would be wearing.

Here’s everything you need to know about 90’s trends, and some 90’s outfit ideas for the party.

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DIY Men’s Grooming Kit – The Essential Wash Bag Products

Thursday, 15th November, 2018

DIY Men's Grooming Kit - The Essential Wash Bag Products

When it comes to male grooming, it’s important to have a good routine, and have all the required products in your arsenal. But you don’t need to rely on getting lots of products from the same brand, you can actually build your own DIY Men’s Grooming Kit.

There are some items which are must have products in your regime, and then there’s some which don’t need to be used every day, or are specific for guys with different needs.

What products should you include? I’ll go through my essential daily products which I recommend using, and what you should have in your bathroom ready to go.

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