Michael 84

Men’s Tinder Profile Picture Tips – The Do’s And Don’ts

Thursday, 11th June, 2015

Tinder Profile Picture Tips And Advice

The use of Tinder has been transformed since it’s creation. It was once seen as a bit of a sleazy app for your phone to hook up with people and have one night stands, it was then the dating app people used but never admitted to using; It’s gone from that to being completely legit; Not just a dating app, but now seen as a more sociable app to have actual casual dates.

Unlike the traditional dating sites or apps where you have to fill in a huge amount of information, Tinder is more picture focused, so having a good set of pics is vital for you. But what makes a good picture? Actually, it’s a good set of pictures you need, not just one. Here’s a few tips and some do’s and don’ts when your picking out your profile pictures.

Tinder Pictures – The Do’s

Strategically order your images

You need to be a little clever when ordering your images. The first should be a straight forward profile pic of you, smiling. People who smile look friendly and approachable. First impressions are everything, so you need to avoid being swiped left at first sight. You should have a good few pictures, 3 or 4 is fine, with the order of what’s important to you.

Show off your personal style, without showing off!

How you dress says a lot about you, and of course you can check out the many men’s fashion tips right here on Michael 84 ๐Ÿ˜‰ Make sure you look the part in your pictures without over-doing it. Make sure it’s a true representation of your own style.

A well rounded set of pictures – Include hobbies

Your pictures should tell a story of your life. Don’t use 5 pictures of your nights out with your friends, or 5 pictures of that epic Halloween party. Along with your main profile pic, choose images which include your hobbies; If you go running include one of those; Or maybe at a gig, cooking, or whatever you’re hobbies are. When a girl sees it she’ll think you’re a good match if you’re into the same things. Travel pics are also good, but don’t overdo it. The key is to create a well rounded set of pictures.

The Don’ts

No Girls/Girlfriends in the pictures

Tinder has the social aspect, but it’s essentially a dating app. If you’re putting pictures up there with a girl around your arms it doesn’t really send out the best of signals. You’d be surprised how many people do this, both lads and lasses. Leave your friends/relatives of the opposite sex out the pics, you can intro them at a later date. STRICTLY NO EX’S! (Do I really need to say that?).

No group shots

Which one is he? That’s what she’ll be thinking when/if she checks out all your pics and it’s a group shot in every photo. It’s your profile, not your friends, so it’s about you. Group photos are never a good idea; If your friend’s better looking than you then she’ll be attracted to him, if he’s a lout she might wonder what kind of company you keep.

No shirtless photos

Congratulations on achieving a six pack and that amazing body. Now cover it up with a good fitting shirt or tee. It looks like your trying too hard, looking for attention and are incredibly vein. Wear the right clothes and leave the rest to her imagination.

No selfies in the mirror

Selfies in the mirror? What can I say, it’s not a good look for a dating pic. Get a friend to take a photo, choose a photo someone has taken of you, use a timer on a camera.

No model shots (Unless you are, in fact, a model)

As with the shirtless photos, a model-type shot will make you look vein. You’re supposed to be approachable, not untouchable.

Photo qualities and types – The don’t do’s.

Don’t use blurry photos for obvious reasons, they’re blurry! Use a variation of photos with different poses and situations, so don’t use 5 different slightly different headshots. With that in mind, don’t use any headshots, or just one; A face filling the whole photo is not a good representation, and looks like you’re far too close to the camera. Keep clear of quirky pics, if you must, then only one. Nobody looking at that photo will know the funny story behind it, so leave it alone.


Remember that a picture says a thousand words, so you want to create a good set of pictures of yourself, and it’s all about having fun in the end. Trying to sell yourself is quite a task, but selecting the right photos showcasing yourself will certainly help. Happy hunting! ๐Ÿ˜€

Michael Adams

About Michael

Michael Adams is the founder and editor of Michael 84, blogger from Newcastle, UK. Sharing men's fashion tips, style advice and lifestyle information for all guys.

  1. Elizabeth Rebecca Said,

    I think including hobbies is such a valid point. I can’t speak for other girls but I hate pictures of men on these kind of apps which are taken in a nightclub, in poor lighting, and the man has a beer in his hand. It just sends such a bad impression.

    posted on Saturday 13th June, 2015 at 2:06
  2. Michael Said,

    I agree, & picking a good set of pics is just as important for the guys as with girls, so these tips apply to both ๐Ÿ™‚

    posted on Monday 22nd June, 2015 at 23:10