Michael 84

Rekorderlig Premium Winter Cider – Hot Or Cold?

Wednesday, 4th November, 2015


The winter is upon us which means one good thing if you’re a Rekorderlig fan…The Premium Winter Cider is back! I had my first one last year, and loved it, and as you can see, it won’t be my last.

As with all Rekorderlig flavours this one is really nice. It’s so crisp, and even though the ingredients sound like something I wouldn’t usually go for, they work in a drink and Rekorderlig get the combinations just right for a really refreshing taste. The apple cider is infused with vanilla and cinnamon which is perfect for the winter season.

Something else which is unique is that this drink can be served hot or cold. Warm up the winter, or chill out with the refreshing drink, it’s up to you. Personally I prefer an ice cold drink, so that’s what I will always go for 🙂

Are you hot or cold?

Michael Adams

About Michael

Michael Adams is the founder and editor of Michael 84, blogger from Newcastle, UK. Sharing men's fashion tips, style advice and lifestyle information for all guys.

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